Peace River Films
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People and Culture

The Floyd Van Alstyne Story: A Video Oral History of America's Oldest Commercial Truck Driver
2017, A Video Oral History of a 97-year-Old Vermont farmer, logger, WWII Veteran who is also America's Oldest Commercial Truck Driver.

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
1993, The American Experience
Rachel Carson and the Writing of the Book that began the modern Environmental movement, 1 hr. With Meryl Streep as the voice of Rachel Carson.

A Certain Age, A Celebration Of Experience
A series of reflective profiles of elderly people looking back on their lives, 1 hr.

Geronimo and the Apache Resistance
1988, The American Experience
The struggle of the legendary Apache chief and his people, 1 hr.

Seasons of a Navajo
1983, PBS
A year in the life of a traditional Navajo family living in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, 1 hr.

Georges Doriot, Man with a Vision
1988, Digital
A portrait of a visionary entrepreneur, 20 min.

The Cape Cod Treasury
National Park Service
Four 15 min. films for the Cape Cod National Seashore: Thoreau, Shipwrecks, Marconi and the first radio, Geology

People and Culture

©2004 Peace River Films